Focus on Value Creation

GRI Indicators – 5 Year Summary

Indicator Unit of Measure 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
EC1 Direct economic value (Sri Lanka only, details of Bangladesh operation appears on this section):
- Generated Rs. Mn. 72,034 67,019 67,546 58,972 42,498
- Distributed Rs. Mn. 67,275 63,066 64,007 55,352 40,370
- Retained Rs. Mn. 4,759 3,953 3,539 3,620 2,128
Economic Value Added Rs. Mn. 8,256 7,272 6,532 4,807 5,208
EC5 Ratio of standard entry level wage Above minimum Above minimum Above minimum Above minimum Above minimum
EC6 Proportion of senior management from local community
- Sri Lanka % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
- Bangladesh % 98.81 98.58 98.58 98.51 98.99
EC7 Funds disbursed to SMEs, Argi businesses, Micro financing Rs. Bn. 260 220 182 16 37
EC8 Financial literacy and capacity building programmes
- No. of programmes Nos. 15 9 6 5 4
- No. of participants Nos. 1,822 382 574 580 284
EN6 Energy consumption Gigajoules 55,877 55,944 55,080 58,446 Unavailable
EN23 Waste disposal
- e-waste Kg. Nil Nil Nil 13,200 Unavailable
- Paper Kg. 98,155 130,335 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
EN27 Credit proposal over Rs.100 Mn. screened through SEMs Nos. 4,232 3,063 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
EN32 Percentage of new suppliers screened – Environment % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
LA1 New employee hires
- Male Nos. 225 236 228 122 311
- Female Nos. 21 93 103 108 65
- Male Nos. 158 159 106 6 28
- Female Nos. 49 44 43 4 1
LA2 Benefits provided to full-time employees Qualitative disclosure refer this section
LA3 Return to work maternity leave
- Retrun to work ratio % 100.00 100.00 98.00 100.00 100.00
- Retention ratio % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
LA4 Minimum notice period Qualitative disclosure refer this section
LA8 Health and safety topics covered Qualitative disclosure refer this section
LA9 Average training hours
- Male Hours 25.82 25.68 34.85 22.98 26.47
- Female Hours 19.59 27.14 25.68 21.41 22.26
LA10 Skill development programmes Hours 10,581 7,382 16,686 18,816 12,512
LA11 Percentage of employees receiving performance evaluations % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
LA12 Diversity and equal opportunity Qualitative disclosure refer this section
LA13 Remuneration ratio women to men
- Corporate Management X:Y 1 : 0.94 1 : 0.84 1 : 0.87 1 : 0.97 1 : 1.10
- Executive Officers X:Y 1 : 1.09 1 : 0.93 1 : 0.98 1 : 0.96 1 : 0.97
- Junior Executive Assistants and Allied Grades X:Y 1 : 1.10 1 : 0.91 1 : 0.85 1 : 0.88 1 : 0.88
- Banking and Graduate Trainees X:Y 1 : 1.04 1 : 1.00 1 : 0.98 1 : 1.06 1 : 0.96
- Office Assistants and Other X:Y 1 : N/A 1 : N/A 1 : N/A 1 : N/A 1 : N/A
LA14 Percentage of new suppliers screened – Labour practises % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
LA16 Number of significant grievances on labour practices filed and resolved Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
HR3 Number of significant incidents of discrimination Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
HR4 Percentage of employees in trade unions % 83.91 83.48 82.17 76.40 77.41
Operations with risk of violation of right to exercise freedom of association Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
HR5 Number of significant incidents of child labour Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
HR6 Number of significant incidents of forced or compulsory labour Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
HR10 Percentage of new suppliers screened – Human Rights % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
HR12 Number of significant grievances on Human Rights Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
SO1 Operations with local community engagement Qualitative disclosure refer this section
FS13 Performance in Northern and Eastern Provinces
-Deposits Rs. Mn. 39,565 33,755 29,443 26,408 22,812
-Advances Rs. Mn. 10,476 8,715 11,570 14,332 13,794
-Number of Branches Nos. 27 24 24 23 21
-Number of ATMs Nos. 57 54 52 50 46
FS14 Initiatives to improve access to financial services
S05 Number of alerts reported to FIU of CBSL Nos. 21 11 10 12 -
SO8 Non-compliance with laws and regulations (Sri Lanka only)
- Monetary value Rs.'000s - - - - -
- No. of monetory sanctions Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
SO9 Percentage of new suppliers screened – Impacts on society % - - - - -
PR3 Information required on product and service labelling Qualitative disclosure refer this section
PR4 Non-compliance with regulations on product and service labelling Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
PR5 Results of marketing survey Graphical disclosure refer this section
PR7 Non-compliance with regulations on marketing communication Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
PR8 Substantiated complaints on customer privacy Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
PR9 Non-compliance with laws and regulations on provision and use of products and services Nos. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
FS1-5 Policies, procedures and process for managing environmental and social components and their associated risks applicable on products and services offered Qualitative disclosure refer this section
FS6 Portfolio of business lines by segments Refer Note 61 to the Financial Statements for ‘Operating Segments’
FS7 Products portfolios of
- Industrial Rs. Mn. 39,539 25,950 18,868 18,089 16,145
- Agriculture Rs. Mn. 4,997 3,385 2,398 2,110 1,637
- Microfinance Rs. Mn. 708 777 968 1,305 1,197
FS8 Portfolio of loans granted for renewable energy projects Rs. Mn.
- Wind Rs. Mn. 1,835 2,101 1,091
- Solar Rs. Mn. 46
- Hydro Rs. Mn. 876 819 1,263
- Bio-mass Rs. Mn. 131
FS9 Coverage and frequency of audits
- Onsite audits Nos. 265 264 232 203 192
- Online audits Nos. 216 213 242 230 113